A few weeks ago, I was up in Tromso in the arctic circle.
Now whilst we are away, we get petpals to come around and put food out in the garage for our 4 cats.
In addition , Mrs EO daughter comes around once every few days to check the place and move the mail, opens the curtains etc, just to make the place look occupied.
Anyways, one of the cats sneaked in behind her and curled up on the landing, she put the alarm on then went home. Her three week old son then got admitted to hospital, so she was unable to do any more visits.
In the meantime, the cat , Brewster Roustabout, is getting hungry, thirsty and has to sh!t on the carpet. Every time the cat moves, the burglar alarm goes off, which must have deafened the poor beast and which explains why all my cactus plants were knocked off the window sill.
So Mrs EO gets a phone call in the hotel in Tromso from Environmental health in Salford, 'either get the alarm switched off, or we will serve papers tomorrow to get the door forced and the alarm disconnected' the poor bloke thought the missus was taking the mick when she explained that she couldnt nip home because she was 350 miles north of the arctic circle.
Anyways, I took all the neighbours a bottle of wine, and apologised profusely yesterday
hey ho
Now whilst we are away, we get petpals to come around and put food out in the garage for our 4 cats.
In addition , Mrs EO daughter comes around once every few days to check the place and move the mail, opens the curtains etc, just to make the place look occupied.
Anyways, one of the cats sneaked in behind her and curled up on the landing, she put the alarm on then went home. Her three week old son then got admitted to hospital, so she was unable to do any more visits.
In the meantime, the cat , Brewster Roustabout, is getting hungry, thirsty and has to sh!t on the carpet. Every time the cat moves, the burglar alarm goes off, which must have deafened the poor beast and which explains why all my cactus plants were knocked off the window sill.
So Mrs EO gets a phone call in the hotel in Tromso from Environmental health in Salford, 'either get the alarm switched off, or we will serve papers tomorrow to get the door forced and the alarm disconnected' the poor bloke thought the missus was taking the mick when she explained that she couldnt nip home because she was 350 miles north of the arctic circle.
Anyways, I took all the neighbours a bottle of wine, and apologised profusely yesterday
hey ho