"Thank you for your e-mail addressed to CE DVA. I have been asked to reply. As you have indicated in your e-mail this is an ongoing issue, and the DVA is actively trying to discourage such advertisements being placed. The DVA, in consultation with the Cabinet Office, are actively seeking ways to ensure that adverts placed are not discriminatory. In cases where the adverts are brought to the attention of the DVA we will contact the Employment Agency concerned, and point out that the wording they are using is unsuitable. Indeed, following your e-mail I have contacted the agency, Progressive Computer Equipment, and explained the situation. The company has stated that it will review the wording it uses, and amend it to reflect the fact that possession of a security clearance is not a pre-requisite when applying for vacancies.
I hope that this is helpful.
Alex Peel
Defence Vetting Agency
Customer Relations Account Manager
Please do not forget to report the following agents to the MOD.
Those that breach the guidelines advertising of contracts with the pre-requisition of SC.
Agents that do not put candidates forward who do not have SC.
The more of you that report these breaches will eventually result in agents being stuck off the MOD supplier list or some other action taken against them.
"Thank you for your e-mail addressed to CE DVA. I have been asked to reply. As you have indicated in your e-mail this is an ongoing issue, and the DVA is actively trying to discourage such advertisements being placed. The DVA, in consultation with the Cabinet Office, are actively seeking ways to ensure that adverts placed are not discriminatory. In cases where the adverts are brought to the attention of the DVA we will contact the Employment Agency concerned, and point out that the wording they are using is unsuitable. Indeed, following your e-mail I have contacted the agency, Progressive Computer Equipment, and explained the situation. The company has stated that it will review the wording it uses, and amend it to reflect the fact that possession of a security clearance is not a pre-requisite when applying for vacancies.
I hope that this is helpful.
Alex Peel
Defence Vetting Agency
Customer Relations Account Manager
Please do not forget to report the following agents to the MOD.
Those that breach the guidelines advertising of contracts with the pre-requisition of SC.
Agents that do not put candidates forward who do not have SC.
The more of you that report these breaches will eventually result in agents being stuck off the MOD supplier list or some other action taken against them.