The infamous “test please delete” thread must have cost UK companies about £32261.25
Based on 61450 views and an average viewing time of 60secs with an average hourly of £35p/h. 90% of views during working hours.
sasguru has much to answer for.
That money could keep a criminal locked up for 64 days
Pay the local council estate in benefits for 2 days
Each of UK illegals could have a single smartie (based on buying party sized bags)
Keep Mrs WC2's Shogun in Diesel for 3 days
Based on 61450 views and an average viewing time of 60secs with an average hourly of £35p/h. 90% of views during working hours.
sasguru has much to answer for.
That money could keep a criminal locked up for 64 days
Pay the local council estate in benefits for 2 days
Each of UK illegals could have a single smartie (based on buying party sized bags)
Keep Mrs WC2's Shogun in Diesel for 3 days