Dumbed down version: BBC News - 'Twisted' waves could boost capacity of wi-fi and TV
Trickier version from the horse's mouth : Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test
Basically they make use of the angular momentum in EM (radio) waves that potentially will allow an infinite number of channels to be encoded within a given frequency.
Though it appears they have only sent two channels down one frequency so far.
Trickier version from the horse's mouth : Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: first experimental test
Basically they make use of the angular momentum in EM (radio) waves that potentially will allow an infinite number of channels to be encoded within a given frequency.
Though it appears they have only sent two channels down one frequency so far.
This novel radio technique allows the implementation of, in principle, an infinite number of channels in a given, fixed bandwidth, even without using polarization, multiport or dense coding techniques. This paves the way for innovative techniques in radio science and entirely new paradigms in radio communication protocols that might offer a solution to the problem of radio-band congestion.