Our American friends, Randy and Darlene from Portland, Oregon, are currently staying with us. As always the conversation is highly entertaining as they wrestle with our 'quaint' customs and sayings. Last night we spent a lively half hour discussing the differences between England, Britain and the UK and when we use each one (English Law, British Government, GB plates, UK Tax rules, internet.co.UK... on reflection it is a muddle).
Anyhow they told us it is almost certain that Hilary Rodham Clinton will be the next Democrat Presidential nominee and a big risk she could become President due to general disaffection with George W on Iraq.
Surely that could not happen, could it ?
Anyhow they told us it is almost certain that Hilary Rodham Clinton will be the next Democrat Presidential nominee and a big risk she could become President due to general disaffection with George W on Iraq.
Surely that could not happen, could it ?