The banking crisis (caused by sub prime) didn't last that long and had a strong but largely containable effect (in no small measure because central bankers round the world acted decisively).
The effect was largely confined to institutions and banks that had to be rescued and we were well on our way to recovery by this year.
To my mind the creation of the Euro was a far bigger economic crime, even if the intentions were good.
As many of us pointed out at the time, you couldn't shoe-horn widely disparate economies into one currency with the same interest rate.
The result was an artifical boom as countries whose economies should have had high interest rates, instead had low ones.
The low interest rate also kept the Euro lowish and ensured German exports were cheap.
So in effect the GErmans lent the PIIGs who couldn't afford it the cheap money to drive their export boom.
Similar to banks lending money to plebs who couldn't afford it.
I'm a bit bored by ecomic illiterates not seeing this, and continuing to use bankers as scapegoats.
The effect was largely confined to institutions and banks that had to be rescued and we were well on our way to recovery by this year.
To my mind the creation of the Euro was a far bigger economic crime, even if the intentions were good.
As many of us pointed out at the time, you couldn't shoe-horn widely disparate economies into one currency with the same interest rate.
The result was an artifical boom as countries whose economies should have had high interest rates, instead had low ones.
The low interest rate also kept the Euro lowish and ensured German exports were cheap.
So in effect the GErmans lent the PIIGs who couldn't afford it the cheap money to drive their export boom.
Similar to banks lending money to plebs who couldn't afford it.
I'm a bit bored by ecomic illiterates not seeing this, and continuing to use bankers as scapegoats.