The name of the next awesome Mars buggy, due to launch in a couple of weeks, bristling with cutting edge gizmos much advanced on the previous Martian rovers. Including a pulsed 10 megawatt laser than can vaporise rock* (so much for the late AtW's puny 40 watt plasma rifle) and it's not underpowered by puny photovoltaics either, this one is nuclear powered.
Even more incredible, if you can take any more, is that there is very recent speculation that liquid water is flowing on Mars to this very day. Seasonal Flows on Warm Martian Slopes
Hope it makes it.
What's the chance of life coming from Mars?
*pulses last 5 nanoseconds and the amounts of rock vaporised are microscopic - but it does have a 10 m range
Even more incredible, if you can take any more, is that there is very recent speculation that liquid water is flowing on Mars to this very day. Seasonal Flows on Warm Martian Slopes
Hope it makes it.
What's the chance of life coming from Mars?
*pulses last 5 nanoseconds and the amounts of rock vaporised are microscopic - but it does have a 10 m range