A few days back I enquired in typically vague way about mobile email/internet solutions and got no real answers - you useless bunch. Call yourself geeks? It would not surprise me if at least half of you waste your time talking to people and stuff like that.
A more specific question - the Vodaphone GPRS PCMIA modem at under 50 quid looks really groovy to me. Almost land modem speeds and cheap! (the highest of all virtues). And it's prepay so not stuck with £15 a month for service I may not always use much.
Any experience of same, drawbacks etc?
A more specific question - the Vodaphone GPRS PCMIA modem at under 50 quid looks really groovy to me. Almost land modem speeds and cheap! (the highest of all virtues). And it's prepay so not stuck with £15 a month for service I may not always use much.
Any experience of same, drawbacks etc?