.. I keep seing people shouting 'allah akbar' - god is great, and then exploding...
god should carry a health warning, hes much more dangerous than smoking in public (although in the immediate aftermath that is often involved too).
Funny old world. (Watching 'The Insurgency' on BBC2).
Odd how the BBC shows graphic images of dead Iraquis, having censored pictures of westerners being beheaded, burnt, dismembered and strung up from bridges... of american forces firing but not islamist forces firing....
god should carry a health warning, hes much more dangerous than smoking in public (although in the immediate aftermath that is often involved too).
Funny old world. (Watching 'The Insurgency' on BBC2).
Odd how the BBC shows graphic images of dead Iraquis, having censored pictures of westerners being beheaded, burnt, dismembered and strung up from bridges... of american forces firing but not islamist forces firing....