Part of my morning bicycle journey to WSM station involves a short jaunt through a pedestrian drumway traversing a rather rundown housing estate.
I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with the social status of the inhabitants of said estate but over time I've noticed a preponderance of dog dirt littering my path. Such is the frequency of this fouling that the path is more akin to a slalom course than a footpath.
Well , I've finally had enough & this morning I've taken matters into my own hands. Armed with a stick of white chalk I have encircled each offending item and annotated it with the words
Come on Law makers, BRING BACK THE DOG LICENCE and don't make it 30p like before, make it £3000 so these layabouts and scroungers won't be able to afford a dog and I will be able to enjoy a TURD FREE cycle to the station in the mornings.
I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with the social status of the inhabitants of said estate but over time I've noticed a preponderance of dog dirt littering my path. Such is the frequency of this fouling that the path is more akin to a slalom course than a footpath.
Well , I've finally had enough & this morning I've taken matters into my own hands. Armed with a stick of white chalk I have encircled each offending item and annotated it with the words
Come on Law makers, BRING BACK THE DOG LICENCE and don't make it 30p like before, make it £3000 so these layabouts and scroungers won't be able to afford a dog and I will be able to enjoy a TURD FREE cycle to the station in the mornings.