I heard on the radio that the IPCC are meeting in plenary session in Korea today. On the agenda is the future of the chairman Dr Pachauri, should he stay or should he go ?
This was the fellow remember, who accused glaciologists of 'voodoo science' when they queried the assertion that the Himalayan glaciers would all be gone 25 years from now. Then he had to back track and admit that they were right after all. The claim had been lifted from a mountaineering magazine. and even there, the author/climber had made a typo, he meant 2350, not 2035.
Pachauri has also come a cropper with the UK charities commission. His turnover suddenly plunged below the threshold where accounts have to filed, even though his business was booming. This has now been corrected, although it leaves the stink of corruption.
If he stays, the IPCC will be saddled with a politicised biased activist as chairman. great news for agw sceptics.
If he goes, India will leave the IPCC possibly triggering an exodus. great news for agw sceptics.
This was the fellow remember, who accused glaciologists of 'voodoo science' when they queried the assertion that the Himalayan glaciers would all be gone 25 years from now. Then he had to back track and admit that they were right after all. The claim had been lifted from a mountaineering magazine. and even there, the author/climber had made a typo, he meant 2350, not 2035.
Pachauri has also come a cropper with the UK charities commission. His turnover suddenly plunged below the threshold where accounts have to filed, even though his business was booming. This has now been corrected, although it leaves the stink of corruption.
If he stays, the IPCC will be saddled with a politicised biased activist as chairman. great news for agw sceptics.
If he goes, India will leave the IPCC possibly triggering an exodus. great news for agw sceptics.