I do a similar commute, from Wilmslow (Manchester Airport area) to Bradford in West Yorkshire.
My coping strategy used to B&B on Wednesday’s to give me a break and a lie-in.
I ended up asking to work 7-3, and am very firm in only working beyond 3 in very exceptional circumstances. I take just 10 mins max for lunch, but make sure I get away from the desk.
Instead of listening to favourite cd’s I have taken to conversational radio like Radio2.
I wake up at 5:40, on the road at 6am with travel flask of coffee with a banana / quality (sometimes home-made) cereal bar. Once at work I get fruit salad and proper coffee.
Lunch is usually fairly substantial as gives me energy for the rest of the day, lighter meal at home.
Gym junkie, which helps a lot – try going for a jog 2-3 evenings after work as a min.
I get to bed around 10, with everything all sorted, with a 9pm bed-time mid-week but only if tired enough to sleep well.
I would STONGLY urge talking to clientco about working something like 7-3, or 10-6 so your 60 mile commute is only an hour. This helps IMMENSELY. Especially as I have VPN and phone for anything essential out of my usual hours. Telcon meetings for after 3 are also a lifesaver. (Do you have a telcon number you can use? If not, request one or even buy one).
Finally – good quality tyres and tracking are ESSENTIAL. I replaced my 3mm tyres for a new set – like driving a new car, and nowhere near as tiring.
Good luck, and stay safe on the road.
My coping strategy used to B&B on Wednesday’s to give me a break and a lie-in.
I ended up asking to work 7-3, and am very firm in only working beyond 3 in very exceptional circumstances. I take just 10 mins max for lunch, but make sure I get away from the desk.
Instead of listening to favourite cd’s I have taken to conversational radio like Radio2.
I wake up at 5:40, on the road at 6am with travel flask of coffee with a banana / quality (sometimes home-made) cereal bar. Once at work I get fruit salad and proper coffee.
Lunch is usually fairly substantial as gives me energy for the rest of the day, lighter meal at home.
Gym junkie, which helps a lot – try going for a jog 2-3 evenings after work as a min.
I get to bed around 10, with everything all sorted, with a 9pm bed-time mid-week but only if tired enough to sleep well.
I would STONGLY urge talking to clientco about working something like 7-3, or 10-6 so your 60 mile commute is only an hour. This helps IMMENSELY. Especially as I have VPN and phone for anything essential out of my usual hours. Telcon meetings for after 3 are also a lifesaver. (Do you have a telcon number you can use? If not, request one or even buy one).
Finally – good quality tyres and tracking are ESSENTIAL. I replaced my 3mm tyres for a new set – like driving a new car, and nowhere near as tiring.
Good luck, and stay safe on the road.