I have recently finished a long contract with a public sector organisation and the Manager whose a contractor is such sly dude that i feel like he's got one on me.
I came in with a crap rate but it brought me back to London after numerous contract extensions i was due to end in Dec according to my contract but he stated the HR records said Nov ( i done a school boy error in thinking he had official paper which stated that and i found out later that it was in fact Dec and he done me for a months pay and when i challenged him on the phone he denied it and started being snooty about it)
So another PM in the business who i have a good relationship with decided to bring me back on with a much better rate and working for him which sounded a lot better as the previous PM was such a twat. We went for drinks to discuss the role etc but only to notice the previous manager saw us both and caught a whiff of what was going on. PM number one hates both me and the second PM as he clearly has something personal against us.. all the other contractors left his team because he treated us like total kids.
So the next day my potentially new PM has the role signed off by programme management and agreed with the budget team and then when it goes to HR for the final hurdle PM number had just put a cross against my name to say i wouldn’t employ him again.... i was so gutted due to the contacts i made in the business and the amount i delivered for then and the fact it was 20min from home i seriously felt like he got one on me. Most of my work was done with the clients who are more then happy with my efforts.
Since then my PM friend has applied for a new role and will be the Programme Manager in 2 weeks (he's a permi) so we were having a chat and he would now have the power to challenge the negative reference on my HR record and get me back in.
Has anyone heard this being done before; as this is personal agenda he has against the pair of us surely it can be challenged?
Any thoughts?
I came in with a crap rate but it brought me back to London after numerous contract extensions i was due to end in Dec according to my contract but he stated the HR records said Nov ( i done a school boy error in thinking he had official paper which stated that and i found out later that it was in fact Dec and he done me for a months pay and when i challenged him on the phone he denied it and started being snooty about it)
So another PM in the business who i have a good relationship with decided to bring me back on with a much better rate and working for him which sounded a lot better as the previous PM was such a twat. We went for drinks to discuss the role etc but only to notice the previous manager saw us both and caught a whiff of what was going on. PM number one hates both me and the second PM as he clearly has something personal against us.. all the other contractors left his team because he treated us like total kids.
So the next day my potentially new PM has the role signed off by programme management and agreed with the budget team and then when it goes to HR for the final hurdle PM number had just put a cross against my name to say i wouldn’t employ him again.... i was so gutted due to the contacts i made in the business and the amount i delivered for then and the fact it was 20min from home i seriously felt like he got one on me. Most of my work was done with the clients who are more then happy with my efforts.
Since then my PM friend has applied for a new role and will be the Programme Manager in 2 weeks (he's a permi) so we were having a chat and he would now have the power to challenge the negative reference on my HR record and get me back in.
Has anyone heard this being done before; as this is personal agenda he has against the pair of us surely it can be challenged?
Any thoughts?