A few years ago the prospect of telling people at work I was a Christian would have filled me with dread but then I encountered the Holy Spirit and I am now bursting at the seams. As Jeremiah puts it
"But if I say, "I will not mention him
Or speak any more in his name,"
His word is in my heart like a fire,
A fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
Indeed, I cannot." (Jeremiah 20:9)
When I worked in the City I would meet up with Christian friends at lunch, find the nearest church for prayer and fellowship. That was truly a blessing. I then moved on and found a contract in Canary Wharf. I was worried that my work spiritual life would decline as I knew fellow Christians who worked there but was not aware of any churches where we could go to for fellowship. However God had other plans, the guy sitting next to turned out to be a Christian. He worked on a different Programme and had no operational reason to interact with him. I would normally just say Hi, Good morning etc but one day we got chatting and lo and behold we clicked. We then found out about St. Peter's Barge. Amazing – It's packed out at lunchtimes with Christians from all over Canary Wharf meeting together, listening to the Word of God, praying and fellowship. Heads of Investment Banks, senior bankers, traders, regulators all meeting together to worship God during their lunch break. Fantastic. The God haters will have you believe that Christianity is on the decline. Yeah right. Revival is coming- you heard it here first.
St Peter's Barge
"But if I say, "I will not mention him
Or speak any more in his name,"
His word is in my heart like a fire,
A fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
Indeed, I cannot." (Jeremiah 20:9)
When I worked in the City I would meet up with Christian friends at lunch, find the nearest church for prayer and fellowship. That was truly a blessing. I then moved on and found a contract in Canary Wharf. I was worried that my work spiritual life would decline as I knew fellow Christians who worked there but was not aware of any churches where we could go to for fellowship. However God had other plans, the guy sitting next to turned out to be a Christian. He worked on a different Programme and had no operational reason to interact with him. I would normally just say Hi, Good morning etc but one day we got chatting and lo and behold we clicked. We then found out about St. Peter's Barge. Amazing – It's packed out at lunchtimes with Christians from all over Canary Wharf meeting together, listening to the Word of God, praying and fellowship. Heads of Investment Banks, senior bankers, traders, regulators all meeting together to worship God during their lunch break. Fantastic. The God haters will have you believe that Christianity is on the decline. Yeah right. Revival is coming- you heard it here first.
St Peter's Barge