For a start, according to Guido, soon to be ex-Labour MP are being given CV and interview advice from Crapita and they do not have weak points but 'development areas' FFS!
Anyway, there has just been a chap on Bloomberg from Ask The Headhunter.
They covered the "Top 10 stupid inteview questions" bit. He has a good response on his website.
Basicly, "give me an example of what is fracked here and I'll make up some old toot about how I would go about getting you out the merde".
Anyway, there has just been a chap on Bloomberg from Ask The Headhunter.
They covered the "Top 10 stupid inteview questions" bit. He has a good response on his website.
Basicly, "give me an example of what is fracked here and I'll make up some old toot about how I would go about getting you out the merde".