My last contract was a nightmare.
Secure site - no phone, no MP3 player, no laptop until cleared (and even then, no internet that you could log into, in case anyone tracked your IP address), no logon until security clearance comes through. Need to be escorted everywhere, by someone cleared - so no hiding in the loo reading the paper, as they would wait outside for you.
One developer worked stupid hours and overtime. Because he did ALL the work that the team of four were meant to be doing - ALL of it. The one piece of work that I did, he rejected and rewrote because I had used capitals for the reserved words in SQL, and had used the ANSI join syntax and he didn't like it. So, he rewrote it, rather than letting me change it - at great cost and time, and whilst whinging that he had soooooo much to do.
Five month contract - total work done was probably about 9 days. And with no distractions. Just the Oracle manuals to read.
I started to set myself sudoku puzzles using Excel to help pass the time.
Secure site - no phone, no MP3 player, no laptop until cleared (and even then, no internet that you could log into, in case anyone tracked your IP address), no logon until security clearance comes through. Need to be escorted everywhere, by someone cleared - so no hiding in the loo reading the paper, as they would wait outside for you.
One developer worked stupid hours and overtime. Because he did ALL the work that the team of four were meant to be doing - ALL of it. The one piece of work that I did, he rejected and rewrote because I had used capitals for the reserved words in SQL, and had used the ANSI join syntax and he didn't like it. So, he rewrote it, rather than letting me change it - at great cost and time, and whilst whinging that he had soooooo much to do.
Five month contract - total work done was probably about 9 days. And with no distractions. Just the Oracle manuals to read.
I started to set myself sudoku puzzles using Excel to help pass the time.