Financial people, sort yourselves out. There are lots of us who would actually rather not give a tulip about what you do from day to day. I prefer not to give a tulip about whatever it is you do with your derivativey-optionny-put-thingummyjigs, because I make my living testing computer systems that do something I find interesting. Lady Tester earns a living looking after people who are old and decrepit and finds that much more satisfying than worrying about the fluctuations in the price of the Zorbian Groat against the Eurolira. You have become too bloody important and got above your place.
Basically what I’m saying is this; banks are a utility. Banks provide a means of storing money, spreading it about, linking capital that has no destination to investment that needs liquidity. A bit like the water company move excess water around and pipe it to my home so I can drink it, wash and shower and have a dump. They do their work, I never hear anything from them and when I turn the tap, water comes out. For this, I pay them each month. I don’t see them on the headlines of the news every day. They don’t try to sell me future options on tap water. They just sit there in the background and do their job without panicking wildly about the value of tap water every time a small child in Equatorial Guinea jumps in a puddle and gets a drip of water in his wellies. Banks should be the same.
Basically what I’m saying is this; banks are a utility. Banks provide a means of storing money, spreading it about, linking capital that has no destination to investment that needs liquidity. A bit like the water company move excess water around and pipe it to my home so I can drink it, wash and shower and have a dump. They do their work, I never hear anything from them and when I turn the tap, water comes out. For this, I pay them each month. I don’t see them on the headlines of the news every day. They don’t try to sell me future options on tap water. They just sit there in the background and do their job without panicking wildly about the value of tap water every time a small child in Equatorial Guinea jumps in a puddle and gets a drip of water in his wellies. Banks should be the same.