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    Originally posted by Mich the Tester View Post
    Off-topic would be to mention how crazy it is that half the world would have loved to get British Passport, yet some people who are actually entitled to it have such a demeaning attitude towards it


      Originally posted by AtW View Post
      Off-topic would be to mention how crazy it is that half the world would have loved to get British Passport, yet some people who are actually entitled to it have such a demeaning attitude towards it
      I don't think anyone has a demeaning attitude. What people want is British citizenship. You can be a British citizen without a passport seeing as a passport is for doing what it says on the front; to pass ports. If you don't leave the country you don't need it. My grandfather doesn't have a passport any more because he doesn't envisage leaving UK and doesn't want to pay for something he doesn't need. He's still a British citizen.
      And what exactly is wrong with an "ad hominem" argument? Dodgy Agent, 16-5-2014


        Originally posted by EternalOptimist View Post
        if you used to believe in AtW but now think its a con, used to think newlab would sweep away Tory sleaze then you can be in my gang

        F'ed That For You
        Step outside posh boy


          Originally posted by AtW View Post
          Didn't you get involved in this BN66 offshore "scheme"?

          If so, I'd like to ask you this question - how the **** you thought it was all good and proper to be involved in offshore schemes when you don't even hold passport, ie you are stuck on these isles (which is fine in itself), yet you get involved in things that inherently imply you travel abroad and stuff?
          You really are a ******* clown, aren't you?

          For your 'info,' I had a passport since 1993 because we used to go abroad for family holidays. So to answer your question, nobjockey, I had a passport at the time I joined the IoM scheme.

          And further you know all cretin, you'd realise a passport wasnt and currently isnt a requirement to travel to the IoM so just what the **** is your point!?

          Im actually trying to get a UK id card but, although I apparently satisfy all the current conditions bar one ie I dont have a current UK passport, I cant get one.

          While it is true you could be liable to a fine if you dont keep your details up to date, there isnt currently anything like the number of details some people suggest there is.
          I couldn't give two fornicators! Yes, really!


            Originally posted by AtW View Post
            Off-topic would be to mention how crazy it is that half the world would have loved to get British Passport, yet some people who are actually entitled to it have such a demeaning attitude towards it
            Obviously, some people want one not because it is a good thing in itself, but because it is not as bad as what they have.

            It is an instrument of control for the government. That some people are unfortunate enough to have worse controls imposed upon them by their and indeed by our government simply because of where they were born, hardly makes it a proud and prized possession. It's still just a bar-code on your head.

            A disparaging attitude is the only right attitide for a would-be free man.
            Step outside posh boy


              Originally posted by zeitghost
              I am not a number, I am a free man.



              Have we found out who Number One is yet?


                Originally posted by BolshieBastard View Post
                You really are a ******* clown, aren't you?
                No. I don't like clowns (after I watched movie IT).

                Originally posted by BolshieBastard View Post
                And further you know all cretin, you'd realise a passport wasnt and currently isnt a requirement to travel to the IoM so just what the **** is your point!?
                My point is that someone who uses offshore "loophole" in legislation that was surely intended to cover proper non-residents in the UK does not even bother to get a valid UK passport at all times. How much does it cost, £66 for 10 (TEN!) years? That's 50 pence per month. Clearly you can't afford it, just like paying taxes apparently, otherwise you would not use this BN66 aka "3.5%" scheme.


                  Originally posted by AtW View Post
                  Off-topic would be to mention how crazy it is that half the world would have loved to get British Passport, yet some people who are actually entitled to it have such a demeaning attitude towards it
                  In the early days of my life I, along with others were proud to have a British Passport. Since Labour came to power it has become an embarrassment and risk. Furthermore, Labour hashanded out passports to terrorists, bogus refugees and anyone who works in the UK for a few years.
                  "A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices," George Orwell


                    Originally posted by AtW View Post
                    No. I don't like clowns (after I watched movie IT).

                    My point is that someone who uses offshore "loophole" in legislation that was surely intended to cover proper non-residents in the UK does not even bother to get a valid UK passport at all times. How much does it cost, £66 for 10 (TEN!) years? That's 50 pence per month. Clearly you can't afford it, just like paying taxes apparently, otherwise you would not use this BN66 aka "3.5%" scheme.
                    Oh, changing your tack now eh! So you want to make it an issue of tax avoidance. Well, I hope you dont employ an accountant to make sure you pay as little tax as possible. oh, that's different isnt it?

                    However, I digress. Please explain exactly why I need a UK passport when I no longer travel abroad? Furthermore, please explain why you think one needs a passport when using a scheme that was based and operated in the Isle of Man? Please also explain why you have decided a passport is necessary for someone, anyone, to participate in an 'offshore' tax scheme? Is travelling abroad or the ability to travel abroad a requirement of participation in an offshore scheme? If so, could you point me in the direction of the exact regulatory requirements?

                    The IoM is a dependency of the UK. There is no need for a UK passport to travel to it. The IoM had a DTA with the UK but in other senses, it isnt 'offshore' and one doesnt need a passport for it or its scheme.

                    How much a passport costs is irelevant. I have no use for one since it expired. My passport actually expired after I left the IoM scheme. So, do you want to dream up some other fantasies to support your position?

                    As regards 3.5% taxation, I think you'll find that applied to one individual and not everyone on the scheme. But then again, you do seem to like generalisations.

                    The UK id card satisfies, or rather would satisfy, my current requirements of proving my id. It also allows one to travel to all of the EU and Switzerland, famous for its taxation bolt hole, dont you know?

                    ******* clown.
                    I couldn't give two fornicators! Yes, really!


                      Originally posted by Paddy View Post
                      In the early days of my life I, along with others were proud to have a British Passport. Since Labour came to power it has become an embarrassment and risk. Furthermore, Labour hashanded out passports to terrorists, bogus refugees and anyone who works in the UK for a few years.
                      What a load of b******ks. 7/7 terrorists were born in this country.

                      What risk is it to have British Passport whilst staying in the UK and going out to Europe? If you go hill walk in Iran, then yes - it would not be smart thing to do, regardless if have British or German passports.

                      The irony in this case is an offshore tax avoider hasn't got British passport, clearly it's lost on you - I guess it's his right to have or not have British passport, just like it is his "right" to pay 3.5% tax using offshore schemes.

