Originally posted by gingerjedi
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You don't "earn" a place at public school, but kids do need to pass an entrance examination. In some circumstances, you you can apply for a bursary (a discount on the fees) and this can is assessed on need.
Alternatively, kids can apply for a scholarship (which I think is what you're thinking of) whereby if they're especially bright the school will discount some or all of the fees.
Phone the school you're thinking of and ask when they recommend you put your child's name down. It varies, for some schools you need to have your name down, for others your kids take the exam and the school selects the top 'n' for entry.
If you're serious about sending your kids to public school, just remember that it costs a bloody fortune and I'd advise anyone to ensure that they can pay for it not out of income (which can go down as well as up) but from savings. Because if the going gets tough, it's a terrible thing to pull a "posh" kid from a public school and put them into the local comp, where they'll be ripped for their first year. I speak from bitter experience.