Best rate you will find is on the high street, though you need to get past their in house mortgage advisers and speak to the real decision makers higher up the chain. For this you may want to speak to a broker, which is what I did.
I found Contractor Mortgages to be ludicrously expensive. IIRC they wanted £75 as a non-refundable application fee! (plus an arrangement fee later...) Many contractors also insist on a flexible mortgage, but you have to pay £££ for this and many high street lenders (with far better rates) offer semi-flexible terms anyhow.
I found Contractor Mortgages to be ludicrously expensive. IIRC they wanted £75 as a non-refundable application fee! (plus an arrangement fee later...) Many contractors also insist on a flexible mortgage, but you have to pay £££ for this and many high street lenders (with far better rates) offer semi-flexible terms anyhow.