Originally posted by Churchill
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Roger Tennant was a disgruntled haberdasher and experimental tailor. He is credited with designing the first “Beer Hat” which employed technology far ahead of its time – 1647. Two tankards were cleverly strapped to the wearers head and leathery tubes (made of finest sheep entrails) wound around the wearers head and led directly to the mouth. This was popular attire at bear-baiting and public hanging events.
Kendrick also pioneered the field of “T-shirt” design. While he was not a professional fashion designer, he was an enthusiastic amateur. In fact, the “T” in T-Shirt stands for “Tennant.” At the time, folks would say, “Oh! Thou art wearing a Tennant, aren’t thou?” He even began writing short saying to put on the front of his Tennant Shirts – for instance, a man’s shirt might read, “If I Told The Thou Were’t Buxom, Wouldst Thou Hold Them Against Me?” and his popular women’s Tennant Shirt – “Codpiece Inspector.” As his riches poured in, he became known for his good humor and generosity. “Jolly Roger!” the townspeople would call him.
Sadly, his career and his life came to an end when he sold a new design to the first mate of a notorious pirate – one named, “Blackbeard.” The first mate’s unfortunate Tennant Shirt depicted a finger pointing to the wearer’s right with a sign that read, “I Bee Withe STUPID!” and he showed the bad planning to wear the offending shirt when the whole crew was posing for their annual woodcut engraving – and, of course, the first mate stood to Blackbeard’s left – leaving the finger pointing directly at the tragically violent sea man.
Fortunately for the first mate, his skills were too valuable to Blackbeard to have him strung up from the mizzenmast. Unfortunately for Roger Tennant, Blackbeard was not a fan of avant-garde fashion and needed to punish someone.
But, ever the setter of trends, as “Jolly Roger’s” decaying skeleton dangled from the heights of the pirate ship – other pirates who couldn’t afford an actual haberdasher and experimental tailor’s skeleton of their own did the next best thing – they sewed symbols of the same onto flags which they then flew to identify to all the world, “We Really Hate Novelty T-Shirts!”
Well, it was either that or “Nobody knows.” Which would you prefer?
P.S. Yarrrrr!