Bollocks to that - I'm happy to stand up for my convictions. I was a smoker. living in NYC when the ban was introduced there. After a month of grumbling I got used to it. After 6 monhts I tried qutting again and it was easy (Quit rates in cities with smoke free pubs are something like +15% up).
Once you get over the initial, kneeejerk, someone took my liberties nonsense you realise it is no big thing. Want a comparison - smoking in offices, can you imagine going back to that? All the arguements against bar staff getting other jobs equally apply to offices.
And civil liberties don't extend to your right to expose someone else to a serious health risk, especially one that can be eradicated so easy at such a little inconvenience in the long run.
BTW LG I don't drive a car, no point in Londregs.
Once you get over the initial, kneeejerk, someone took my liberties nonsense you realise it is no big thing. Want a comparison - smoking in offices, can you imagine going back to that? All the arguements against bar staff getting other jobs equally apply to offices.
And civil liberties don't extend to your right to expose someone else to a serious health risk, especially one that can be eradicated so easy at such a little inconvenience in the long run.
BTW LG I don't drive a car, no point in Londregs.