if you were trying to move house and the solicitors
And after many weeks when you had a target completion date that had again slipped as they need just one more piece of documentation from abroad, which had just about nobbed of your prospective tenant thereby losing you money ....
Would you escalate this to the law society? To what end? What other options are there?
Theoretically you understand.
- failed to acquire critical documentation from abroad from a relative with a charge on the house, even with a year's notice.
- Procrastinated in acquiring said documentation.
- Concocted cock and bull stories about couriers and tracking numbers later dismissed as myth by the vendors
- Kept delaying the completion date because "just one more bit of paper" was required from the relative abroad.
- Did not return phone calls.
- Did not return emails.
- Concocted cock and bull stories about legal undertakings to withhold monies on behalf of said relative, sent by email in English a 4 year old would wince at.
- Got stroppy and dragged their heels when you asked them to confirm things in writing.
And after many weeks when you had a target completion date that had again slipped as they need just one more piece of documentation from abroad, which had just about nobbed of your prospective tenant thereby losing you money ....
Would you escalate this to the law society? To what end? What other options are there?
Theoretically you understand.