"As Gurkhas gathered outside the court, David Enright, one of their solicitors, said: "The government has delayed month upon sorry month, allowing your fathers to die while their sons served in Afghanistan and Iraq. The government has had to be shamed, kicking and screaming, back to court again and again to achieve something which any British man or woman would have given freely."
But all is not lost, if you are wanting to stay in the country there is a way to achieve this...all you have to do is
" Give active service for 20 years – but a rifleman is only permitted to serve for 15 years."
This was a statement from last month, now the decision to put the boot into ex-ghurkas is the icing on the cake
Doesn't it make you sick? Because to put it mildy it F*CKS ME RIGHT OFF
I heard on the radio this morning that this decision was made because of the country becoming overcrowded!!!
The numbers quoted is an additional 36,000, let them in and boot out 36,000 benefit cheats, illegal immigrants, etc.....
Rant over....well not really, but I might get banned if I carry on.
Oh! Hold on a minute, i've just seen another of the criteria for gaining admission, "they received a level 1-3 bravery award, including the Victoria Cross"
The VC? FFS a ghurka needs a VC for admission into the UK?
Well thats ok then, let admit 26 ghurkas (most of which are dead)
But all is not lost, if you are wanting to stay in the country there is a way to achieve this...all you have to do is
" Give active service for 20 years – but a rifleman is only permitted to serve for 15 years."
This was a statement from last month, now the decision to put the boot into ex-ghurkas is the icing on the cake
Doesn't it make you sick? Because to put it mildy it F*CKS ME RIGHT OFF
I heard on the radio this morning that this decision was made because of the country becoming overcrowded!!!
The numbers quoted is an additional 36,000, let them in and boot out 36,000 benefit cheats, illegal immigrants, etc.....
Rant over....well not really, but I might get banned if I carry on.
Oh! Hold on a minute, i've just seen another of the criteria for gaining admission, "they received a level 1-3 bravery award, including the Victoria Cross"
The VC? FFS a ghurka needs a VC for admission into the UK?
Well thats ok then, let admit 26 ghurkas (most of which are dead)