A few positive things I’m noticing here in NL;
1 Quite a few opportunities for enterprising freelancers and small businesses who can act at lower costs and more flexibly than the big corporate consultancies; I’ve even got my first direct contract without an agent, and I can do half my work at home; saves costs for me and my client. Suddenly in NL clients have discovered it’s cheaper to hire contractors directly.
2 Family businesses both on my side and Mrs Tester’s side are stable and profitable and now able to invest at sensible prices as reserves were built up during the good years and not pissed away on bonuses and dividends or interest payments.
3 Posh cars, smart hotels and good restaurants cheaper than ever.
4 Vintage Burgundies about 30% cheaper than last year at my favourite wine merchants.
5 Sun shining (not entirely a causal link here, but in NL spring has been glorious)
6 Less traffic on the roads
7 Rugby club now has plenty of volunteers as some people are working less; same goes for charitable organisations as people who used to give money now give their time and skills instead
8 Gordon’s going to lose the next election in the UK
9 Corporate cackness has been exposed for all it isn’t worth
10 more?
Of course, it isn't much fun if you're benched, but console yourself that when you do find a contract life will be great. Just keep trying.
1 Quite a few opportunities for enterprising freelancers and small businesses who can act at lower costs and more flexibly than the big corporate consultancies; I’ve even got my first direct contract without an agent, and I can do half my work at home; saves costs for me and my client. Suddenly in NL clients have discovered it’s cheaper to hire contractors directly.
2 Family businesses both on my side and Mrs Tester’s side are stable and profitable and now able to invest at sensible prices as reserves were built up during the good years and not pissed away on bonuses and dividends or interest payments.
3 Posh cars, smart hotels and good restaurants cheaper than ever.
4 Vintage Burgundies about 30% cheaper than last year at my favourite wine merchants.
5 Sun shining (not entirely a causal link here, but in NL spring has been glorious)
6 Less traffic on the roads
7 Rugby club now has plenty of volunteers as some people are working less; same goes for charitable organisations as people who used to give money now give their time and skills instead
8 Gordon’s going to lose the next election in the UK
9 Corporate cackness has been exposed for all it isn’t worth
10 more?
Of course, it isn't much fun if you're benched, but console yourself that when you do find a contract life will be great. Just keep trying.