Is anyone here getting a little sick of bankers being scapegoated by politicians who want to deflect attention from their own culpability?
Granted, people like Fred the Shred are despicable greedy w*nkers who are giving capitalism a bad name.
But they are not a patch on the politicians who set the framework to allow it to happen and who all their lives have swilled at the trough of public funds without creating anything of any value whatever.
Perhaps el Gordo should give up his pension for totally and utterly ballsing up the British economy?
Granted, people like Fred the Shred are despicable greedy w*nkers who are giving capitalism a bad name.
But they are not a patch on the politicians who set the framework to allow it to happen and who all their lives have swilled at the trough of public funds without creating anything of any value whatever.
Perhaps el Gordo should give up his pension for totally and utterly ballsing up the British economy?