The BN66 thread made me think how this government clearly feels that it has the moral high ground (no, don't laugh), and that the laws they make are merely a codification of what is morally correct. Therefore you should already be doing what is clearly morally correct (as seen by HMG) and the law is only a clarification of that. Strictly speaking the law may be retrospective, but the obedience to their vision has always been expected.
This shows throughout, for example on the high Road Tax for some existing cars: challenged that it was retrospective, Jacqui Smith argued soundly, and shamelessly, that it was not, because "it has been clear for ten years which way we were going". In plain English, the law is retrospective, but NL's thoughts are not, so you should already have predicted this ten years ago.
This shows throughout, for example on the high Road Tax for some existing cars: challenged that it was retrospective, Jacqui Smith argued soundly, and shamelessly, that it was not, because "it has been clear for ten years which way we were going". In plain English, the law is retrospective, but NL's thoughts are not, so you should already have predicted this ten years ago.