Got an email yesterday from a very large agent with around 400 email addresses on about a large piece of work coming up for a certain region. Hence, there is a lot you can assume about this email list.
Got a few spams on the back of this, complained to the agents, who want me to call for the most sincere of apologies.
Now, if I wanted to have some fun, like data protection complaint, what would the options be?
Not that I would sell it on to an agent or anything (unless they could exchange my Focus for one that works perfectly!)
Got a few spams on the back of this, complained to the agents, who want me to call for the most sincere of apologies.
Now, if I wanted to have some fun, like data protection complaint, what would the options be?
Not that I would sell it on to an agent or anything (unless they could exchange my Focus for one that works perfectly!)