With the colder weather on its way, I was thinking that if we are going to waste electricity on heating our homes, why not use a dozen or so powerful PC's as heaters.
In this way they can all chug away 100% on curing cancer, finding aliens, getting a vaccine for smallpox, etc AND keep our house warm at no more cost than a storage heaters or any other electric heating.
I reckon 30 dual core PC's would keep my house warm and probably cure cancer by mid March.
What does our learned panel think?
In this way they can all chug away 100% on curing cancer, finding aliens, getting a vaccine for smallpox, etc AND keep our house warm at no more cost than a storage heaters or any other electric heating.
I reckon 30 dual core PC's would keep my house warm and probably cure cancer by mid March.
What does our learned panel think?