well for some time now I've been taking so fairly good photos, sold a few which is always a bonus, can also put everthing through the company.
But I've now found I developed a problem, I can't stop buying kit for the camera. So I'm now looking at some new glass. Ether a 10-20mm f2.8 or a nifty 50, and I keep thinking, no don't do it, then, sod it why not.
So the question is do I splash the cash or not. (and should I wait until the VAT rate has dropped )
But I've now found I developed a problem, I can't stop buying kit for the camera. So I'm now looking at some new glass. Ether a 10-20mm f2.8 or a nifty 50, and I keep thinking, no don't do it, then, sod it why not.
So the question is do I splash the cash or not. (and should I wait until the VAT rate has dropped )