I can't see how anyone could say they love their kids, if they never tell them off, never correct bad behaviour. We've all seen the results of such parenting, or rather absence thereof. Does it lead to happy, well adjusted kids? So if you do "parent" along those lines, are you doing your best for your child? You may have soft, warm fuzzy emotions over your offspring, but you are not showing them love, you are behaving as though you hate them. You care more about your own feelings of guilt, if you were to punish them, than you do about them.
Discipline, only means physical chastisement if you're a yank. I think I made it quite clear that I believe it is perfectly possible to discipline your kids without smacking them.
My opinion, and that of UK law, is that there is nothing wrong with smacking. It is merely another option available to parents. I don't think you're morally or intellectually deficient or superior if you chose not to use it. Although not the CUK way, if you think there is then justify it, rather than ad hominem attacks, you morons.
Fun isn't it.
Discipline, only means physical chastisement if you're a yank. I think I made it quite clear that I believe it is perfectly possible to discipline your kids without smacking them.
My opinion, and that of UK law, is that there is nothing wrong with smacking. It is merely another option available to parents. I don't think you're morally or intellectually deficient or superior if you chose not to use it. Although not the CUK way, if you think there is then justify it, rather than ad hominem attacks, you morons.
Originally posted by Xenophon
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