Prompted by discussions about professionalism, should it apply to IT contractors?
1-6. What professional memberships do you have?
7. Do you think it it is good for contractors to have them?
8. Should employers be aware of such things and use them in selection & recruitment?
9. I do not believe in any of this old toffee
10. That too.
MBCS/FBCS = Member/Fellow of the British Computer Society
Has a Code of Good Practice and a Code of Conduct.
CITP = Chartered IT Professional
"The gold standard" in the UK for IT bods. You have to prove yourself to attain it.
MIAP/FIAP = Member/Fellow of the Institution of Analysts & Programmers
Has a Code of Conduct.
PCG = Professional Contractors Group
A trade body, not a professional body, despite what they are called.
1-6. What professional memberships do you have?
7. Do you think it it is good for contractors to have them?
8. Should employers be aware of such things and use them in selection & recruitment?
9. I do not believe in any of this old toffee
10. That too.
MBCS/FBCS = Member/Fellow of the British Computer Society
Has a Code of Good Practice and a Code of Conduct.
CITP = Chartered IT Professional
"The gold standard" in the UK for IT bods. You have to prove yourself to attain it.
MIAP/FIAP = Member/Fellow of the Institution of Analysts & Programmers
Has a Code of Conduct.
PCG = Professional Contractors Group
A trade body, not a professional body, despite what they are called.