"Why charge for one job when you can charge for two? Plus you're adding to your skillset!"
Spod, who said anything about charging for one job. The fact that you are doing two jobs at the same time does not mean that you only charge once. There is nothing to stop you submitting a tree removal invoice and a chav eradication invoice also. Call yourself a contractor!! I would also look at seeing if anybody would also like to have a large deep roundish hole digging where a tree once stood, all the better if they like the smell of rotting flesh. That way they could have my tree removal invoice, chav splattering invoice and my speedy hole service invioice. I may offer a group discount for taking all three services, but I would not be doing it for the price of one.
Spod, who said anything about charging for one job. The fact that you are doing two jobs at the same time does not mean that you only charge once. There is nothing to stop you submitting a tree removal invoice and a chav eradication invoice also. Call yourself a contractor!! I would also look at seeing if anybody would also like to have a large deep roundish hole digging where a tree once stood, all the better if they like the smell of rotting flesh. That way they could have my tree removal invoice, chav splattering invoice and my speedy hole service invioice. I may offer a group discount for taking all three services, but I would not be doing it for the price of one.