I found the site below over the weekend:
It's the European Community standard CV template - anyone heard of it before? Are you more or less likely to get a job if you use it?
Templates: http://europass.cedefop.eu.int/europ...avigate.action notice that it's in MS Word so you have to pay the Microsoft Word tax..., oh hang on... you can do it online...
UK national ref point: http://www.uknrp.org.uk/Pages/Certificate_Supplement/
UK National Europass Centre: http://www.uknec.org.uk/
I found it because I was looking for a Tex/Latex CV/Resume template and found this one: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help.../europecv.html
I found the site below over the weekend:
It's the European Community standard CV template - anyone heard of it before? Are you more or less likely to get a job if you use it?
Templates: http://europass.cedefop.eu.int/europ...avigate.action notice that it's in MS Word so you have to pay the Microsoft Word tax..., oh hang on... you can do it online...
UK national ref point: http://www.uknrp.org.uk/Pages/Certificate_Supplement/
UK National Europass Centre: http://www.uknec.org.uk/
I found it because I was looking for a Tex/Latex CV/Resume template and found this one: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help.../europecv.html