Last week the wimmin in the room next door woke me up at 2am with their cackling - they were having some sort of a party. To be fair, they packed it in when asked.
This week so far the hotel seems to be hosting the world door-slamming championships and the eastern european team staying on my floor must be strong contenders.
I have ear plugs, but they tend to fall out and they aren't much use when the slamming shakes the whole building.
Anyone got any brill ideas (I think I know the answer to that) it's been a pretty quiet place up till now though and who's to say anwhere else would be any better?
This week so far the hotel seems to be hosting the world door-slamming championships and the eastern european team staying on my floor must be strong contenders.
I have ear plugs, but they tend to fall out and they aren't much use when the slamming shakes the whole building.
Anyone got any brill ideas (I think I know the answer to that) it's been a pretty quiet place up till now though and who's to say anwhere else would be any better?