Immigration is placing increased pressure on services such as schools and hospitals, a report has claimed.
The Local Government Association is calling for a £250m-a-year fund to help regions struggling to cope with unexpected influxes of migrants.
Other findings include:
Many schools have difficulty coping with frequently changing populations from a wide range of cultural backgrounds
Children of some migrant workers are working longer hours than permitted by law
There are too few English language classes
Many migrants go to hospital A&E for treatment rather than registering with a doctor, because they do not understand how healthcare operates in Britain
Many migrants are living in homes which are in a poor state of repair - and sometimes a fire risk
The numbers of migrants claiming homelessness help or being rehoused is increasing in some areas (so they get a free house now too?)
So council taxes are going to rise massively to support the migrants. But hang on, all these extra people must be paying loads more council tax? Something doesn't add up. Could New Labour be lieing to us about the so called benefits to the UK economy of uncontrolled and unmonitored immigration?
Immigration is placing increased pressure on services such as schools and hospitals, a report has claimed.
The Local Government Association is calling for a £250m-a-year fund to help regions struggling to cope with unexpected influxes of migrants.
Other findings include:
Many schools have difficulty coping with frequently changing populations from a wide range of cultural backgrounds
Children of some migrant workers are working longer hours than permitted by law
There are too few English language classes
Many migrants go to hospital A&E for treatment rather than registering with a doctor, because they do not understand how healthcare operates in Britain
Many migrants are living in homes which are in a poor state of repair - and sometimes a fire risk
The numbers of migrants claiming homelessness help or being rehoused is increasing in some areas (so they get a free house now too?)
So council taxes are going to rise massively to support the migrants. But hang on, all these extra people must be paying loads more council tax? Something doesn't add up. Could New Labour be lieing to us about the so called benefits to the UK economy of uncontrolled and unmonitored immigration?