Originally posted by Troll
Talking more about the detail rather than the headline grabbers
Scottish government
* A referendum on independence for Scotland.
* Deliver annual efficiency savings of 1.5% per year and free up £1.1bn for reallocation to new national infrastructure projects.
* Ensure 70% of released resources go to improving frontline services and 30% to lower local tax.
* Cut Scottish Executive departments from nine to six.
* Remove business rates from 120,000 Scottish small businesses and cuts for a further 30,000.
* Replace council tax with a local income tax, with a rate set at 3p.
* Cut red tape and widen access to public sector contracts for small businesses.
* A £2m fund to promote Scottish work at the Edinburgh festivals.
* £10m scheme for new entrants to farming.
* Move to secure quota allocation from decommissioned fishing vessels for active ones.
* "Substantial" investment in rail infrastructure and additional steps to tackle congestion.
* "Early delivery" of a new Forth crossing.
* Commission a study into Road Equivalent Tariff, with a pilot in the Western Isles.
* New targets for carbon reduction.
* Higher building standards and efforts to increase energy efficiency.
* Support community and household energy generation and develop local heat and power grids.
* Proposed legislation to reduce Scotland's "carbon footprint".
* Give patients legally binding waiting times.
* "Presumption against" centralising core hospital services and protect access to local healthcare.
* Direct elections to health boards.
* Phase out prescription charges.
* Annual health checks and individual health plans for school pupils with a doubling in the number of school nurses.
* School-based dental service.
* Free school meals, starting with youngest children.
* Two hours of physical education per week for every pupil and free access to council swimming pools.
* Individual health plans for men and women from the age of 40.
* Additional funding for young carers.
* Increased payments for free personal and nursing care in line with inflation.
* First time buyers' grant of £2,000 and a fund to provide shared equity loans to first time buyers.
* Devolve power to local levels wherever possible and consider increased powers for community councils.
* Extend the role of the voluntary sector.
* Expect that a minimum of 25% of new housing developments will be reserved for affordable housing.
* Delivery of a 50% increase in free nursery education for three and four-year-olds, with a nursery teacher for every centre.
* Smaller class sizes, starting with a cut in P1 to P3 class sizes to 18 or less.
* Expanding school-college partnerships for S3 and S4, boosting access to vocational learning.
* Introducing Baccalaureates for science and language.
* Scrap the student graduate endowment and replace the student loans system.
* Additional £10m for "cutting edge research".
* More police on local streets.
* More information for communities on dangerous paedophiles in their area.
* Tougher controls on the sale of alcohol to those under the legal age to drink.
* Taskforce to tackle organised crime.
* Emphasis on tough community punishments to end short-term prison sentences.
Scottish government
* A referendum on independence for Scotland.
* Deliver annual efficiency savings of 1.5% per year and free up £1.1bn for reallocation to new national infrastructure projects.
* Ensure 70% of released resources go to improving frontline services and 30% to lower local tax.
* Cut Scottish Executive departments from nine to six.
* Remove business rates from 120,000 Scottish small businesses and cuts for a further 30,000.
* Replace council tax with a local income tax, with a rate set at 3p.
* Cut red tape and widen access to public sector contracts for small businesses.
* A £2m fund to promote Scottish work at the Edinburgh festivals.
* £10m scheme for new entrants to farming.
* Move to secure quota allocation from decommissioned fishing vessels for active ones.
* "Substantial" investment in rail infrastructure and additional steps to tackle congestion.
* "Early delivery" of a new Forth crossing.
* Commission a study into Road Equivalent Tariff, with a pilot in the Western Isles.
* New targets for carbon reduction.
* Higher building standards and efforts to increase energy efficiency.
* Support community and household energy generation and develop local heat and power grids.
* Proposed legislation to reduce Scotland's "carbon footprint".
* Give patients legally binding waiting times.
* "Presumption against" centralising core hospital services and protect access to local healthcare.
* Direct elections to health boards.
* Phase out prescription charges.
* Annual health checks and individual health plans for school pupils with a doubling in the number of school nurses.
* School-based dental service.
* Free school meals, starting with youngest children.
* Two hours of physical education per week for every pupil and free access to council swimming pools.
* Individual health plans for men and women from the age of 40.
* Additional funding for young carers.
* Increased payments for free personal and nursing care in line with inflation.
* First time buyers' grant of £2,000 and a fund to provide shared equity loans to first time buyers.
* Devolve power to local levels wherever possible and consider increased powers for community councils.
* Extend the role of the voluntary sector.
* Expect that a minimum of 25% of new housing developments will be reserved for affordable housing.
* Delivery of a 50% increase in free nursery education for three and four-year-olds, with a nursery teacher for every centre.
* Smaller class sizes, starting with a cut in P1 to P3 class sizes to 18 or less.
* Expanding school-college partnerships for S3 and S4, boosting access to vocational learning.
* Introducing Baccalaureates for science and language.
* Scrap the student graduate endowment and replace the student loans system.
* Additional £10m for "cutting edge research".
* More police on local streets.
* More information for communities on dangerous paedophiles in their area.
* Tougher controls on the sale of alcohol to those under the legal age to drink.
* Taskforce to tackle organised crime.
* Emphasis on tough community punishments to end short-term prison sentences.