So some little arse managed to get into my gmail account. And then he got my Ebay account. Luckily I noticed within 24 hours and got Ebay to cancel all the bids, etc. 3 days later Google pulled their finger out of their arse and I now have that back too. No actual harm done (read: no money went out of my account!) but I really don't want to leave this.
From the ebay emails in my gmail account I have the address (in Nigeria) that this guy wanted to ship items too. My question is: is there a governing body or someone that I can report this activity to? The Americans have the IC3 or something like that but the nearest thing I can find is "report it to your local police station" Right....
Haven't looked through all the email yet and I'm sure that Nigerian address is fake but surely someone must be interested in this info
From the ebay emails in my gmail account I have the address (in Nigeria) that this guy wanted to ship items too. My question is: is there a governing body or someone that I can report this activity to? The Americans have the IC3 or something like that but the nearest thing I can find is "report it to your local police station" Right....
Haven't looked through all the email yet and I'm sure that Nigerian address is fake but surely someone must be interested in this info