Now the last heap of junk I'm ashamed to say I bought at PC World a few years ago is starting to play up, I quite fancy the idea of putting together a blindingly fast new PC from parts.
I know it's a bit of a mug's game these days, as one can get excellent PCs for a few hundred quid. But if one had, say, up to around £1500 to spend for a top-of-the-range large case, stonking motherboard, CPU, and 4 gigs of memory, what would people suggest (without going too far into server territory and silly money) ?
Oh and P.S. Anyone know the best heat sinks and cooling fans to buy? My current PC has taken to howling like a NASA wind tunnel at the slightest provocation. So a quiet one would be good; but efficiency, or rather effectiveness, is my main criterion.
I know it's a bit of a mug's game these days, as one can get excellent PCs for a few hundred quid. But if one had, say, up to around £1500 to spend for a top-of-the-range large case, stonking motherboard, CPU, and 4 gigs of memory, what would people suggest (without going too far into server territory and silly money) ?
Oh and P.S. Anyone know the best heat sinks and cooling fans to buy? My current PC has taken to howling like a NASA wind tunnel at the slightest provocation. So a quiet one would be good; but efficiency, or rather effectiveness, is my main criterion.