PPE MEDPRO LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
PPE MEDPRO LIMITED: Incorporated on 12 May 2020 Statement of capital GBP 100
(you can follow the company and director trail)
The company has no other contracts, no offices, no warehouse.
BoJo awarded this company £120,000,000 in contacts for PPE without going to tender.
What excuses will the Tory supports give for this practice.
BTW the directors are very substantial donors to the Tory Party.
PPE MEDPRO LIMITED: Incorporated on 12 May 2020 Statement of capital GBP 100
(you can follow the company and director trail)
The company has no other contracts, no offices, no warehouse.
BoJo awarded this company £120,000,000 in contacts for PPE without going to tender.
What excuses will the Tory supports give for this practice.
BTW the directors are very substantial donors to the Tory Party.