According to this, which suggests 47,000 dead. It takes into account non-Covid deaths that are caused by Covid (e.g. cancer pats who are not treated or stroke patients who are afraid to go to hospital and die). The data suggests these non-Covid excess deaths are quite a substantial proportion of the excess deaths.
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Ok political issues aside, from a scientific basis why is the UK rate so high?
It's high in Belgium too, because old-age care homes were more affected than any other country (75% of deaths by one estimate) and they count those.
But the UK isn't including care homes in the stats? Or is it? Edit: just realised they are not included.
Is it a high rate of obesity? Data suggests this a big risk factor.
More underlying conditions in UK pop? Higher alcohol consumption levels?
From a scientific point of view it's quite curious.
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Ok political issues aside, from a scientific basis why is the UK rate so high?
It's high in Belgium too, because old-age care homes were more affected than any other country (75% of deaths by one estimate) and they count those.
But the UK isn't including care homes in the stats? Or is it? Edit: just realised they are not included.
Is it a high rate of obesity? Data suggests this a big risk factor.
More underlying conditions in UK pop? Higher alcohol consumption levels?
From a scientific point of view it's quite curious.