How far do you read your contracts ? Just up to the line that says "X per hour" and then a quick check to see how soon you get paid.
Background is I got a contract direct with the client. Go me.
Unfortunately they insist that I go through one of their preferred suppliers - We have already done the rate so it is only their money they are pishing away.
Contract arrives a week before I start so I plough through it.
Of the clauses that offended me the most was the IP clause. The client owns all the IP I produce during the life of the contract including my off hours AND for a year later.
I can't work for any one else during the life of the contract so no plan b.
And of course the anti competition clause. Can't work for any one for one year unless the agent gets a large chunk of my rate.
If I am in breach of any of these clauses (as judged by them selves) they get to fine me €50,000 and €500 per day.
I sent it back and of course it came back today with a few minor changes but nothing of substance.
My last day at work on my current contract is today and the boss is waving extensions and rate rises about.
Client does not know about all this yet but when I turn up on Monday with no contract.....
Background is I got a contract direct with the client. Go me.
Unfortunately they insist that I go through one of their preferred suppliers - We have already done the rate so it is only their money they are pishing away.
Contract arrives a week before I start so I plough through it.
Of the clauses that offended me the most was the IP clause. The client owns all the IP I produce during the life of the contract including my off hours AND for a year later.
I can't work for any one else during the life of the contract so no plan b.
And of course the anti competition clause. Can't work for any one for one year unless the agent gets a large chunk of my rate.
If I am in breach of any of these clauses (as judged by them selves) they get to fine me €50,000 and €500 per day.
I sent it back and of course it came back today with a few minor changes but nothing of substance.
My last day at work on my current contract is today and the boss is waving extensions and rate rises about.
Client does not know about all this yet but when I turn up on Monday with no contract.....