Yes, I know it's between an Englishman and the ballot box but if you care to spill the beans, this is the place to do it.
I was the first in to my local polling station this morning. And the only voter too. Got there at 6.56 and had to wait a few minutes for polling to officially open during which time the official asked me to verify that the box designated to hold all the voting slips was empty.
When I got into the polling booth, I still didn't know who I was going to vote for - I voted for Brexit so it should have been Tory perhaps but I don't like the idea of that lot with a huge majority so my X went next to the Lib Dem candidate. For the battery chickens and because it's the only vote around here that's got any chance of beating the Tory candidate.
I was the first in to my local polling station this morning. And the only voter too. Got there at 6.56 and had to wait a few minutes for polling to officially open during which time the official asked me to verify that the box designated to hold all the voting slips was empty.
When I got into the polling booth, I still didn't know who I was going to vote for - I voted for Brexit so it should have been Tory perhaps but I don't like the idea of that lot with a huge majority so my X went next to the Lib Dem candidate. For the battery chickens and because it's the only vote around here that's got any chance of beating the Tory candidate.