As one European politician pointed out, Brexit is all about giving up control
At the end of the day Britain, or what's left of it will be "kow-towing" to the EU, because it's their most important market, and now they have no say.
The average Brexiter is going to find out why 75% of MP's and the entire Civil Service wanted to stay in the EU.....because it made them influential.
Greenland's fishing areas are controlled by the EU and they have no say, even though they left the EU to regain control of their fishing.
Being in the EU is like having "big mates" in the playground, if you're a weed and have "big mates" you can push other people around.
At the end of the day Britain, or what's left of it will be "kow-towing" to the EU, because it's their most important market, and now they have no say.
The average Brexiter is going to find out why 75% of MP's and the entire Civil Service wanted to stay in the EU.....because it made them influential.
Greenland's fishing areas are controlled by the EU and they have no say, even though they left the EU to regain control of their fishing.
Being in the EU is like having "big mates" in the playground, if you're a weed and have "big mates" you can push other people around.