Originally posted by d000hg
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The truth is they can't because a quarter of a million Baby boomers leave the workforce every year, who are not replaced by the local population. In other words just to stand still, the economy needs quarter of a mill migrants. We are not in the 1980's and 1990's where the working population was stable.
Every minister that expounds the target of 10's of thousands are "educated" by Sir Humphrey in the first weeks they enter their ministry about this rather unavoidable fact, and he probably points out that every 4 years a city the size of Birmingham of people doing nothing is being generated. Think about this, since the Baby Boomers started retiring in the mid 2000's we have generated approximately 2 Birminghams of people doing absolutely nothing other than drinking beer and generally "shouting" at the telly.
This is why immigration is not going to change.