I've been contracting for a number of years now, and I am still amazed when agencies advertise jobs that simply don't exist. You know the story, they tell you you are the best candidate blah blah blah, it drags on for days/weeks and you smell a rat, make a few phone calls and the 'client' has never heard of them or they have filled the role or they rejected your cv immediately due to rate or whatever...
Do agents/telephone salespeople do this so they can keep you 'on tap' incase a similar role falls into their lap and they can use you for it ? Given placing an ad is easy and they always seem to get a number of replies, I just don't see why they do it.
(I would name names but I am new here and should play nice.)
ha ! I love the moon !
Do agents/telephone salespeople do this so they can keep you 'on tap' incase a similar role falls into their lap and they can use you for it ? Given placing an ad is easy and they always seem to get a number of replies, I just don't see why they do it.
(I would name names but I am new here and should play nice.)
ha ! I love the moon !