A Dying Breed: Currency Traders Are Left Out of New Wall Street - Bloomberg
AtW, over to you!
Charlie Stenger, a currency-broker-turned-recruiter, has seen it all. One fired trader wept in his office. Another admitted he hadn’t told his wife he was unemployed, and left the house every day in a suit to sneak off to a coffee shop. Then there are the delusional guys, who carefully explain how they’re not interested in jobs that don’t pay as well as those they just lost.
Humans are up against formidable opponents across the industry. Take Virtu Financial Inc. Deploying sophisticated technology in the business, the company’s computers can trade more than 11,000 securities and other products on more than 225 trading platforms in 35 countries. Because automation is so deeply ingrained in its business, it had only about 150 employees last year -- generating more than $5 million per worker.