I've always had some teeth where it was difficult to get traditional flossing wire between. My dentist put me onto TePe interdental brushes that come in a set of various sizes so no need to force them into the gaps.
Only thing they mentioned for the implants was to be careful of using metal stalk based brushes as they can damage the crowns when the bristles wear down, so there are plastic based ones that are more suitable.
I saw the dental hygienist a few months after the implants had settled and she used some sonic brush thing as part of a scale and polish to remove tartar below the gumline. That thing was more painful and uncomfortable than any of the implant procedure. Not going back for that again, so determined to keep on top of the tartar build up best I can. Though I expect over-cleaning is as bad for the gums as not enough.
Only thing they mentioned for the implants was to be careful of using metal stalk based brushes as they can damage the crowns when the bristles wear down, so there are plastic based ones that are more suitable.
I saw the dental hygienist a few months after the implants had settled and she used some sonic brush thing as part of a scale and polish to remove tartar below the gumline. That thing was more painful and uncomfortable than any of the implant procedure. Not going back for that again, so determined to keep on top of the tartar build up best I can. Though I expect over-cleaning is as bad for the gums as not enough.