Originally posted by DimPrawn
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As the surface based data currently represents the strongest warming, the pseudosceptics at the moment prefer the satellites, calling the surface record 'fiddled' or 'adjusted' and the satellite data pristine. This may change if we get a strong El Nino. And it ain't so - the satellite record is stitched together from several different satellites and so must be adjusted for differences in calibration, the platforms suffer from orbital drift, another adjustment, basically a guess, they do not cover the poles, where warming is strongest, they are not accurate looking sideways over high ground, etc etc.
This is not to say that the satellites are 'wrong' and the ground data 'right'. Two agencies (UAH and RSS) analyse the satellite data using different assumptions and adjustments and are in good agreement, but the NASA and UAH datasets are measuring different physical quantities, and after all, the surface is where people live. BTW Dr Carl Mears, head of RSS, says the surface datasets are 'more reliable'.
Troposphere temperatures are also measured by weather balloon-based radiosondes, here's a fascinating discussion: