Listening to Radio 5 Live and Martin Lewis is spouting about how people are silly for not checking direct debits etc, people paying for gym memberships they don't use, or paying for insurance for devices or properties they no longer have.
I don't know about you but I am very OCD when it comes to my bank account, I know exactly how much is in it, how much is due to come out and when, I am not living on the breadline, I don't need to account for every penny that I have, but I sure has hell make sure I know where they all are!
I don't know about you but I am very OCD when it comes to my bank account, I know exactly how much is in it, how much is due to come out and when, I am not living on the breadline, I don't need to account for every penny that I have, but I sure has hell make sure I know where they all are!